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Wednesday, May 22 • 2:00pm - 3:30pm
D2a Digital Maladjustment and Mental Health: The Mediating Role of Social Relationships

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This research aimed to explore the impact of digital maladjustment on individuals' mental well-being within the South Korean context, characterized by its widespread digital device use and robust internet connectivity. Using data from 525 Korean adult consumers, this study analyzed the relationship between digital maladjustment, negative mental health outcomes, and social relationship levels using SPSS Process Macro. Due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, encounters with non-digital activities became nearly limited, emphasizing the critical role of digital adjustment. As the research highlighted the direct effects of digital maladjustment on bad mental health problem, this study implicated the need for improved digital inclusion strategies and interventions. With the ongoing digital transition, this study calls attention to the critical role of digital adaptation in shaping individuals' mental health and overall quality of life in contemporary society.

Author(s): Soyeong Choi, Yu Lim Lee, Hyesun Hwang, Soo Hyun Cho, Hyein Chang, Jibum Kim, Tae-Young Pak


Soyeong Choi

PhD Student, Sungkyunkwan University

Wednesday May 22, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm CDT
Executive AB