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Tuesday, May 21 • 3:30pm - 5:00pm
A2a Bidirectional, Longitudinal Associations Between Finance and Health – What Comes First?

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This study aims to provide a comprehensive examination of the relationship between individual/househopld financial situation and health outcomes of household members To this end  a range of health measures, financial situation indicators and covariates has been used. Previous research has primarily relied on single indicators, limiting understanding of this complex link. The study utilizes data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, measuring multiple aspects of health, financial situation, and relevant covariates for almost 20,000 middle-aged and older adults from 13 European countries. By employing a broader set of indicators, the researchers aim to offer valuable insights into the financial implications of debt for health among this population. The findings may inform healthcare practices and policies seeking to improve health outcomes by addressing financial insecurity and debt.

Author(s): Piotr Bialowolski, Dorota Weziak-Bialowolska, Tyler VanderWeele


Piotr Bialowolski

Associate Professor, Kozminski University

Tuesday May 21, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm CDT
Executive AB