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Thursday, May 23 • 1:00pm - 2:30pm
H1a Balancing the Ledger of Well-being: Student Loan Debt and Mental Health

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Mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, significantly impact around 23% of the U.S. population annually. Research consistently shows that these disorders not only affect psychological well-being of individuals but also have financial consequences such as loss of earning and lack of employment, leading to poor financial choices and debt accumulation, creating a self-perpetuating cycle where financial difficulties worsen mental health issues, further complicating financial problems. Mental health disorders can significantly affect how individuals manage and navigate the complexities of student loan debt, an issue affecting millions of borrowers in the U.S., often compounding the financial challenges they face.  
We present a detailed exploration of distinct studies aimed at examining the complex relationships between five common mental health disorders and student loan debt. These studies share a unified purpose: to provide a deeper understanding of how individuals managing various mental health disorders navigate the added challenges posed by student loan debt, and to identify potential areas for intervention and support.

Author(s): Gaurav Sinha, Jenna Brianne Terry, Autumn Dorothy Shelton, Lalita Dhal, Corey De Neil Ingram,    Cameron George Bics


Gaurav R. Sinha

Assistant Professor, University of Georgia

Thursday May 23, 2024 1:00pm - 2:30pm CDT